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Tree Cluster 002

About GMAN C.A.R.E.S.

Identification, Intervention & Support

We’re a proactive, community-based program focused on the early identification and intervention of youth with disordered eating in Grey Bruce County, Ontario. Our aim is to improve the health and well-being of young people by providing early intervention, education, and support to patients, families, and healthcare providers.

Our Mission

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Empowering Lives, Nourishing Hope & Health: Our Commitment to Healing

Our Vision

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Embracing Diversity, Inspiring Recovery: A Community United in Support of Youth and Families Struggling with Eating Disorders; Creating a Future Where All Paths to Healing Begin

Our Values

In honour of Geoffrey’s wishes, we have established GMAN C.A.R.E.S. INC. foundation. GMAN stands for Geoffrey’s Model for the treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and other eating disorders, which is a local Community-based program focused on Awareness, Research, Education, and Support (C.A.R.E.S) for patients and families affected by eating disorders. This grassroots program will focus on early identification and intervention of youth with disordered eating in Grey Bruce.

Our Purpose

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First Episode Rapid Early Intervention for Eating Disorders (FREEDcan) is the leading eating disorder early intervention model for young people that has been adapted for a Canadian community setting. GMAN C.A.R.E.S. has been working in collaboration with the FREEDcan core team, based at the CHEO Research Institute, to explore how this model could be co-adapted and implemented in our region. This program aligns with the Quintuple Aim for healthcare improvement with the following purposes:

To improve the health and well-being of youth with an eating disorder located in Grey Bruce

To improve patient, family and caregiver experiences in eating disorder healthcare, support and standardized education throughout their journey

To improve a healthcare provider’s experience with addressing the local needs of youth with an eating disorder

To reduce healthcare costs in relation to youth with eating disorders in Grey Bruce

To advance health equity to all youth with an eating disorder by providing an equal opportunity to attain their fullest potential through barrier-free access to clinical care

To provide a comprehensive assessment to youth with disordered eating behaviours inclusive of both the patient’s mental and physical health

Our Goals

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Early identification of disordered eating | Early intervention of an eating disorder | Community awareness | Education – health care providers, parents, siblings, patients, teachers | Building local capacity

This grassroots program is developing a local early intervention program for eating disorders with a proposed partnership with FREEDcan core group and supported by Keystone Child, Youth and Family Services and the Ministry of Health Lead Agency for Child and Youth Mental Health in Grey and Bruce Counties. The community acknowledges the urgent need for such a program focused on early intervention. Local treatment would enable youth to remain in their community, surrounded by family, friends, and school support. This program emphasizes a collaborative approach to meet service demands by providing lower-intensity, low-cost treatments such as brief screening questionnaires and single session interventions. Access to local pediatricians or psychiatrists, as well as specialized out-of-region programs, would be arranged as needed. Initial assessments and evidence-based care would be established as outlined by the FREEDcan model of care to ensure efficient use of these specialized services.

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